Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Licensed Images

Credit Image to :WikiMedia
"A Phone can Make or Break You"

Using unlicensed images have consequences. The links provided gave me insight on how cautious one needs to be when uploading/posting images on the internet. Copyright terms can easily be overlooked and can get someone in unnecessary troubles with the law. An alternative presented is "Creative Commons" which allows one to license their work so it can be used and allow those in search for images to explore without being subject to unlawful actions.

Credit Image to: www.thoughtcatalog.com
"Facebook Testify Zuckerberg"
Your face is a book
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Social Media Concepts
This chapter explained the evolution of Computer Mediated Communication. It expanded on the power facebook along with other social media sites have over the millions of citizens who are constantly glued through their phone. Most people already feel a built connection through facebook because it is a representation of who you are and an inside look of your everyday life. It has become an outlet for gathering information and user attention. I thought this image was interesting because it symbolizes one's protrayal.

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