Monday, December 17, 2018

Nosedive Reaction Post


  • I believe the episode is called Nosedive because the main character Lacie is very quick to jump to the opportunity to gain social status, much like the society we live in today. The episode is notable because many hold other's opinion of them very highly even if they don't know them. Connections and social reputation is something that everyone nowadays consider important to their self image. Lacie protrays a shallow individual that is focused on materialistic things and this gives us a glimpse of what happens in today's society. What I enjoyed about this episode is that it shows the unconscious obsession that the internet can create and stray us away from our true character.
  • Personal Connection: As I've stated in class. I do not have an instagram but when I do receive likes on facebook it does make me feel good. I feel like people can relate to what I'm sharing and posting. If its a selfie of myself it can serve at an ego booster at times when I'm feeling down about myself.
Photo Credit:"Tablet Social Media"by ijclark is licensed under CC.
(This photo shows notifications on different applications.)
I chose this photo due to the euphoric feeling we get when there are notifications waiting for us to open. Many people are so addictive to looking for new notifications that they are constantly refreshing their screens for updates.

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