Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Digitla Writing Style: Social Media in Advertising and Marketing

  Photo Credit: "Like Stamp"by

catspyjamasnzis licensed under CC.

  • What stood out to me most about Chapter 5, was "Earned Exposure" and how companies and business rely on word of mouth to spread consumer positivity. This is interesting to me because I, myself am someone who checks and posts reviews about almost everything I partake in. I'm a big foodie and YELP is one of my favorite sites that I frequently visit before I try a new place to eat. Just as positive reviews can help, negative reviews have a high impact as well and customer care is essential. I see many business owners addressing issues online which allow them to handle it in a structed way and can assist in diffusing these problems.

Digital Writing Style: The Skimm

I have examined the “TheSkimm” site throughout the semester after signing up for it due to the constant emails sent after we subscribed to the site. It is a daily update on things that we can currently relate to. For example, today’s link in my email navigated me to the home screen where it gave us insight on last minute gifts. In the mist of the Holidays and Finals occurring at the same time, us as students can find it a bit difficult to tackle both. The article on last minute gifts to give us good advice on what to get for those who are awfully busy this time of year, especially for students like ourselves. They recommended gifts such as essential oils and the Fujifilm Instax Mini 9. As per the hyperlinks found within the article, it made it easy to navigate to their sites for additional information in regards to the product
I believe that the word choice would need to be simple and relatable to be effective this will cause the reader to be intrigued and will increase the chances of them clicking on the hyperlink. As far as the number of words, I think that the less the better. The exclusiveness will also draw the reader more.  

                            Photo Credit: "Hand-Cursor-Clicking-A-Link "by Wise Geek is licensed under CC.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Nosedive Reaction Post


  • I believe the episode is called Nosedive because the main character Lacie is very quick to jump to the opportunity to gain social status, much like the society we live in today. The episode is notable because many hold other's opinion of them very highly even if they don't know them. Connections and social reputation is something that everyone nowadays consider important to their self image. Lacie protrays a shallow individual that is focused on materialistic things and this gives us a glimpse of what happens in today's society. What I enjoyed about this episode is that it shows the unconscious obsession that the internet can create and stray us away from our true character.
  • Personal Connection: As I've stated in class. I do not have an instagram but when I do receive likes on facebook it does make me feel good. I feel like people can relate to what I'm sharing and posting. If its a selfie of myself it can serve at an ego booster at times when I'm feeling down about myself.
Photo Credit:"Tablet Social Media"by ijclark is licensed under CC.
(This photo shows notifications on different applications.)
I chose this photo due to the euphoric feeling we get when there are notifications waiting for us to open. Many people are so addictive to looking for new notifications that they are constantly refreshing their screens for updates.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Licensed Images

Credit Image to :WikiMedia
"A Phone can Make or Break You"

Using unlicensed images have consequences. The links provided gave me insight on how cautious one needs to be when uploading/posting images on the internet. Copyright terms can easily be overlooked and can get someone in unnecessary troubles with the law. An alternative presented is "Creative Commons" which allows one to license their work so it can be used and allow those in search for images to explore without being subject to unlawful actions.

Credit Image to: www.thoughtcatalog.com
"Facebook Testify Zuckerberg"
Your face is a book
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Social Media Concepts
This chapter explained the evolution of Computer Mediated Communication. It expanded on the power facebook along with other social media sites have over the millions of citizens who are constantly glued through their phone. Most people already feel a built connection through facebook because it is a representation of who you are and an inside look of your everyday life. It has become an outlet for gathering information and user attention. I thought this image was interesting because it symbolizes one's protrayal.

Team Presentation Plan

Team Presentation Plan
“Top Five”
1.  Chapter
Chapter Six, Social Media Metrics and Analytics
2.  Team Members
  • Taira Holley
  • Valeria Montoya
  • Sheila Santiago
  • Norman Whiteley
3.  Responsibility of each member in planning and creating
We will all read the chapter and create an outline. Together we will meet up and create our presentation.
4.  Timeline
We have about a month away (october 30), we will sit together October 16th after class in order to get our notes together and create a slideshow. We will reserve 15-20 minutes before class on the 30th in order to finalize our presentation.
5.  Presentation roles
Everyone will take 6 to 8 minutes of presentation
6.  Self-Assessment Plan
Group check in via group messaging
7.  Troubleshooting for potential problems.
If a member does not show up during in class meeting they will not get credit for doing anything in the project. Unless all other members approve absence.

Podcast Plan & Recording

The Cougar Life